mercredi 8 décembre 2010

An other robot

Hi, today, I will tell you about an other robot. It is named «Curiosity».
To explore Mars, new systems are studied, like the utilisation of the nuclear energy. In Europe, searchers work on a concept: a robot doing his combustible with the martial atmosphere and progressing by jumps...

 The NASA planned «Curiosity» in 2011, an engine of more than 700 kilograms equipped of a little atomic battery, that will assure a important electric strength and independent to sun light. Next robots of Mars will can jump and go on of 26 kilometre in 12 years and 530 kilometre in six years. They will be faster and make to work many years. The secret: a system of propulsion that combine a nuclear source and the utilisation of natural resources of the planet. The idea is to create a RTG (radioisotope thermoelectric generator), that product electricity with the heat generated by a radioactive material. When the martial air will go in the reservoir, it will become liquid. When it will have to move, the liquid CO2  will can transform the robot in a rocket and will jump on a distance of one kilometre. So, I give you a date in the future for more information.

Good bye!                       

vendredi 12 novembre 2010



To give you the desire to watch the series "Doctor Who", that includes daleks, I will tell you about the series in general.

Daleks appeared very early in the series, in the second episode, The dead planet. They were genetically programmed by a scientist, Davros, who taught them to dominate or destroy every kind of life except Daleks and to not feel any pity.


Old enemies, Daleks reappeared in Dalek. In this episode, we learned that they were supposed to be exterminaited, killed in the second Time War, which opposed them to the Lord of the time. Only one of them survived to it, but suicided himself, what let us think the Daleks were not longer of this world. In the episode The Stolen Eart, Doctor Who learned that a Dalek survivor of the " extermination" of the Cult of Skaro had modified the past and bring Davros back to life. Davros created new Daleks from the cells of his own body. At the end of the next episode, Journey's End, it seemed like all the Daleks have been destroyed, even though it cannot be confirmed...

jeudi 14 octobre 2010

"Advance and Attack! Attack and destroy! Destroy and Rejoice!

A Kaled attacks a soldier
Daleks are a fictional race of extraterrestral mutants of the British television series of science fiction, Docteur Who. Their creator is Davros. They were mutated descendents of the Kaleds of the planet Skaro. The métal is just a battle armor. The real Dalek creature is inside. The creatures inside their "machines" were most frequently Kaleds mutants, which the Doctor once desceribe as "little green blobs in bondedf polycarbide armor". The voice of a dalek is electronic, the dalek creature having no vocal apparatus as such. Their most infamous statement is "EX-TER-MIN-ATE", with each syllable individually screeched in a frantic electronic sream. Other common ulterances inclued "I (or WE) OBEY!" to any command given by a superior. Daleks also had a radio communicator built into their shells, and emitted an alarm to summon other Daleks if the casing was opened from outside.

jeudi 16 septembre 2010

I am a dalek, I am your futur.


Hi, my name is Boo, I am a girl and I am 12 years old. I like the school, to watch tv, arts, etc... In this blog, you will learn more about "Daleks" and their powers. You will can know more about where they come and what they can do. You will can explain you about daleks. I chosen this topic because I like to talk about things irreal and special. In the upper right corner, I put an ipod with songs I like.

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